Sunday, September 07, 2008

I've learned

In m¥ mind..I'm ano†her one..!

* -I've learned that life always have secret gifts.

* -I've learned that not every beginning have an end.

* -I've learned that nothing important than important.

* -I've learned that all faces wear same masks.

* -I've learned that not all souls have same differences.

* -I've learned that arts reflects sadness and vice versa.

* -I've learned that I have to see what other can't see.

* -I've learned that I'm the secret of me.

* -I've learned that love is not as its but as the holder feels it.

* -I've learned that everything have special beauty.

* -I've learned that I need the time but not to watch it gone.

* -I've learned that I'm wise enough to be crazy.

* -I've learned that one day I may be the top of something.

* -I've learned that I can call out myself.

* -I've learned that I've to feel my mood.

* -I've learned that I'm another one in others mind.

* -I've learned that there 's a difference between alone and lonely.

* -I've learned that I can build my life on my own.

* -I've learned that I can't be what I haven't to be.

* -I've learned that I haven't to love or hate thing much .

* -I've learned that I have to smile for every chance once.

* -I've learned that I have to raise up when I feel sadness.

* -I've learned that I have to face my fate & love it.



  1. hi there, just blog hopping, anyways..hmmm life itself is a process, each day is a new day to live, the more we grow the more we learn from it.have a nice day!

  2. allow me, i'll quote from u

  3. @Amorgatory

    @غير معرف...
    its ok :)

  4. hey! thanks for dropping by my blog.
    i dont actually fluently understand arabic..but i read the english bit.
    " -I've learned that all faces wear same masks"

    that is so true, hope u write more english entries so i can understand. =]

  5. Hello Mizah,I know that most of my net friends can't understand Arabic language.but I try to write/find some way to put a translator on my blogs to make it easy read.
